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Solar system record breakers
Planetary record breakers.
Contents Tallest mountain for each planet, planet size, largest moon for each planet, longest days, hot and cold, biggest crater longest year
This website lists some of record breaking feats of the planets, and moons of our solar system .
Tallest mountain for each planet, biggest crater, longest days,
As we all know the ten known planets of solar system are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the recently discovered 2003 UB313, which obviously I have no record breaking information on as it has not been explored in sufficient detail yet
Here is my list of record breakers
Largest mountains in each planet and moons in the solar system
Name of mountain
Mars Olympus Mons, Tharsis bulge,27 km
Earth Mount Everest, Asia,9 KM from sea level
Venus Maxwell Montes, Lakshmi Planum11km
Earth's Moon Beta, Leibnitz Range 36,000 feet
Io A moon of Jupiter Boosaule Montes16 km
Europa moon of Jupiter
Largest planet
Size diameter at equator
Mercury4879.4 km
Venus12,103.7 km
Earth12,756 km
Mars6,804.9 km
Jupiter143,000 km
Saturn120,000 km
Uranus51,118 km
Pluto2306 km
Neptune49,528 km
Largest Moon
Number of known moons (Open to debate due to classification of moon or satellite)Largest Moon
Earth1The Moon 3642 km
Mars2Phobos 22.2km
Jupiter63Ganymede 5262 km
Saturn45Titan 5150 km
Uranus27Titania 1580 km
Pluto3Charon 1172 kilometres
Neptune13Triton 2700 km
Longest days
Length of day
Mercury56 Earth days
Venus243 days
Earth1 day
Mars1 day
Jupiter9.8 hours
Saturn10.2 days
Uranus42 year
Pluto6.3 days
Neptune19.1 days
Hottest and coldest planet surface (Typical temperatures not record temperatures)
Usual daily hottest temperature Usual daily coldest temperature
Planet Coldest temperatures for each planet
Pluto - 230
Uranus -223
Neptune – 220
Mercury – 200
Saturn – 160
Jupiter – 145
Mars – 140
Earth – 89
Venus 464
Sun 5500
Planet / Moon
Biggest crater
Moon South Pole-Aitken basin 2500 kilometres in diameter
Venus Mead Crater 280 Km
Earth Vredefort crater 300 KM
Mars Hellas Planitia 2100 KM
Length of year
Length of year
Mercury88 Earth days
Venus225 Earth days
Earth1 year
Mars2.11 Earth years
Jupiter11.9 Earth years
Saturn29.5 Earth years
Uranus84.0 Earth years
Pluto248 years
Neptune12 Earth years
First 10 animals in Space
From the USSR, Laika (Dog) 1957 3rd November
& 3 From the USA, Laska and Benhy (Mice ) 1958 13th December
3 Blank out number
& 5 From the USA Able (Rhesus Monkey) and Baker (Female squirrel Monkey) 28TH May 1959
6 and 7 From the USSR Otvazhnaya (Female Samoyed Husky), and An unnamed rabbit. 2nd July 1959
From the USA Sam (Female Rhesus Monkey) 4th December 1959
From the USA Miss Sam (Female Rhesus Monkey) 21st January 1960
and 11 From the USSR Belka and Strelka (Female Huskies) 19th August 1960
More fascinating facts
Largest rock planet - Earth
Longest comet tail recorded to 2006, Great Comet 1811, 160 million km.
Largest Meteorite crater on Earth, is in Arizona, and 50,000 years old.
It is 183 metres deep, and 1200 metres in diameter.
A record for outside our Solar System
The largest known star is at least 1800 times the size of our Sun, and it would encompass the orbit of Jupiter in our Solar System. though nobody knows how large the largest is.
The largest planet known in 2006 is larger than Jupiter.
The smallest sun is certainly smaller than the largest planet.
The first man in space was Gagarain
Star Trek is the most Cult movie on Earth,
Voyager, was the name of US satellite missions to the other planets
The USSR sent the first craft into orbit.
The Solar System was possibly founded as a other Sun sent dust flying here, as it was ruined, this then formed into a sun, and solar system,
The aurora is the effect of the sun's rays
The sky is blue as of the dust,
On the Moon it is easy to jump very high,
Mars is the most liveable planet after Earth, The Moon, next as so close to Earth.
The US, private companies, and USSR have had plans for Moon and Mars colonies.
The Moon has a surface area, just over twice that of Antarctica, which is a continent larger than Australia,
Jupiter has 120 Earth's areas,
There are 10s of Moons, in this galaxy with surface area's half the size of Australia,
On a holiday once, I was looking up at the sky, and the Moon had a aeroplane flying in front of it, close to us.
Copernicus was among the greatest Solar System thinkers,
Triton is a rare Moon with an atmosphere,
Entire religions have been devoted to the Sun and the Moon
Mars has ice caps,
The 10th planet, is also known by some as Xena, and some as Prosperina, Pluto's Moon was thought by some, to be one, but is not,
Beyond Pluto, and the 10th planet is the Kuiper Belt of items which may be as large Pluto,
In the solar system are millions of asteroids and meteorites, 70,000 hit Earth a year,
Beyond the Kuiper Belt is the Oort Cloud, 1 light year from Earth, 1000 times as far from Earth, as Pluto,
It is a quarter of the distance to our second nearest Star, our nearest is of course well known by another name,
Sports played in space include golf, with it on the Apollo missions so Space Golf, in the year 2400 when 2 million people live there, astronauts will be reagrded as highest on Moon Ranking Golf,
Saturn's Rings are said by some to be the closest thing in the galaxy to the seeing of how planets form
Some say Venus's highs are the most Earth like area in the Galaxy, with the atmosphere, and such more like it, and some say it would be easier to float up there, than in Earth, so space suits up there, would not need top be as special, some say it would be best for settlement via some hi tech balloon way
1 man on the Moon said to a fellow astronaut lets go over to that rock it looks 3-4 metres high, they walked for far longer than they thought would occur, it turned out to be 50 metres high, as it hard to realise how far away a thing is and how big, as of so little to see size comparison
Craters make mountain like great views on the Moon, with huge grand canyon like stuff
One Moonwalk lasted 7 hours, 37 minutes. A LRV drove 11.8 miles in one case.
The Apollo 17 crew stayed on the Moon for 74 hours, 59 minutes, 38 seconds
Cernan and Schmitt had a long singular Lunar excursion at 7 hours, 37 minutes, 22 seconds.
Some feel in 2007 that Titan may have lakes on it, they feel they are some kind of liquid
The largest Ocean may be the liquid like surface of Jupiter,
Earth is the largest essentially Rock planet in the Solar System
In 2007 it was estimated that Sedna was the furthest object known within the Sun's grip, some say it could be 3/4 the size of Pluto. It can go around twice as far away as Pluto is from Earth, and over a few times as far away. There are at least a few planets about this size outside of the range of Pluto.
In 1966 there was a massive meteor shower, the Leonid Meteors, went past North America and east USSR, 2200 passed above the state of Arizona, a minute.
The aurorae has been seen 1000KM high above Earth, and some only 72 km above Earth,
A Aurorare spelt Aurorae was sighted at Cuzco in Peru in 1774, Hawaii in 1859 and possibly Singapore in 1909,
The first human landing on the Moon, was in 1959, when a Soviet Space probe Lunar 2, hit it,
If you look up at the Moon, Apollo 11, the first on the Moon, by people landed, just to the lower right of the centre.
Records of comets go back to the 7th Century BC at least
With records of a Supernova possibly to 1006, when one flared for 2 years,
Venus is the second closest large planet or Moon to Earth.
A Swedish museum made a scale model of the Solar System in 1986, the Earth had a diameter of 13MM, Proxima Centauri, said by many to be the nearest star to our Sun,
Mercury travels faster round the Sun than any other planet
The largest Constellation is Hydra which spans 68 stars and 6.3% of the hemisphere, it means sea serpent, constelations were thought up by many cultures,
A Planetarium was built in Japan in 1987 with a dome diameter of 27 metres.
The Hubble Telescope is 13 metres long,